Próximo evento Internacional Data

Datasur Experts in Imports and Exports

We are the solution for decision-making and data analysis in foreign trade.

You can search, filter, and analyze with our databases covering import and export data from over 72 countries, optimizing decision-making in your company.

International network

Datasur Solutions

Our products and solutions
According to your needs


Customized software that allows filtering import and export data from more than 72 countries.

Advanced filters

Database details

Save your processes, download your data

International reports

Our foreign trade market reports provide detailed insight into imports and exports in key countries. With our personalized attention and flexible delivery formats, you’ll get the information you need quickly and efficiently.

Know and explore new markets

Identify new Business opportunities.

Visualize the companies that compete in your industry.

Monitor the values (Prices) of the products.

Identify potential new customers.


Training / Certifications / Events and more

Training / Certifications /

Events and more

We offer you to expand your knowledge about data internationalization,
about our products, effective strategies and much more!

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Countries for foreign trade information filters

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Clients filter information with us on a daily basis, optimizing decisions for companies and their clients.

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and partnerships
with Datasur worldwide.

Datasur Services

Do you want detailed foreign trade reports?
We do it for you!

Your data tailored to your needs

Our Business Intelligence and Market Research department brings together highly qualified professionals for the development of various types of market studies and reports.

International reports

On the international reports, you will find databases of the entries and exits from customs and/or Bill of lading sources with company names, which are the best way to monitor the markets.


Our API integrations make it possible to analyze the data you need without having to enter or download D-Comex. From a single solution you get what you need to build your business intelligence reports.

Datasur News

Information portal

Relevant information and data about Datasur

Avocado is a globally important fruit, and Peru

In recent years, Chile has experienced a notable

Brazil, world renowned for its lush rainforests and

You can become Datasur Partner!

Learn about the multiple benefits and plans to become a part of Datasur.

Free activities and certifications

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And many more…