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The United States is the main buyer of Peruvian mangoes.

Mango is one of the most popular and traded fruits worldwide. Peru stands out as one of the main suppliers of this delicious food. In this report, we will provide you with a detailed overview of the current state of mango exports from Peru in the year 2023, based on data compiled by the information portal

During the first nine months of 2023, Peru has distributed its product to various international destinations. During this period, the United States was the main buyer, acquiring a remarkable 36.23% of the total. It is followed by Canada with 11.64% and Belgium with 8.96%, occupying second and third place respectively. This trade flow has generated an impressive 106,526,550.06 USD$ FOB.

Since 2009, mango exports from Peru have experienced steady growth. In 2015, it reached US$73.13 million. Subsequently, in 2018, this value increased to 81.36 million. Finally, in 2022, an impressive total of 150.20 million was achieved.’s data analysis reveals that Peruvian mangos are in a sustained expansion phase that promises exciting opportunities for the industry. We will continue to closely monitor this growth and share updates on this exquisite fruit and its impact on world trade.

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