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Vision & Mission

D-Comex is an important tool of foreign trade information, to generate Intelligence on each business and to fase in a good way the competitive environments on the global stage.


Strengthen the strategic decision – making of our customers, providing them with relevant information and knowledge so they can compete with intelligence and success in the global markets.


Make available to our customers the most detailed, reliable and updated information that allows them to analyze the global markets, helping them to find better opportunities for their growth.

To provide an innovative experience for all our valued customers that makes possible to maximize the use of the databases and the strategic information that we provide, enhancing them with technical knowledge and of context of what is happening in the different markets and thereby, enhancing the Intelligence of their business.

We do all the above, through a collaborative work supported by an important network of associations, companies and multilateral and government entities.


To develop, for the decision – makers and their work teams, high – tech and innovative platforms and tools that facilitates the generation of business Intelligence, through a user experience as customized as possible and also simple, efficient and interactive, in order to achieve the most relevant results in the shortest possible time.

We seek to generate solid relationships with each of our customers, through an human team emphatic and based on the professional excellence, committed at all time with the success of our clients and aware of the relevance of our service and experience for the achievement of their objectives.