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The United States is the main buyer of Peruvian mangoes.

Mango is one of the most popular and traded fruits worldwide. Peru stands out as one of the main suppliers of this delicious food. In this report, we will provide you with a detailed overview of the current state of mango exports from Peru in the year 2023, based on data compiled by the information […]

Netherlands to Lead Peruvian Avocado Imports in 2023

Avocado is a globally important fruit, and Peru is one of the main exporters of this product, contributing significantly to the international market. According to data provided by the Portal de so far in 2023, a total of US$ 928,752,436.00 FOB has been registered in avocado exports. Of these, the Netherlands is the main […]

The Boost of Sportswear Imports in Chile

In recent years, Chile has experienced a notable increase in the demand for sportswear. This phenomenon not only reflects a growing awareness of the importance of maintaining an active and healthy lifestyle, but also an interest in sports fashion as an expression of personal identity and style. In this context, sportswear imports have played a […]

The Sweet Economic Boost: Sugarcane Exports in Brazil

El Dulce Impulso Económico: Exportaciones de Caña de Azúcar en Brasil - Datasur Blog

Brazil, world renowned for its lush rainforests and vibrant culture, is also the undisputed leader in the production and export of sugarcane. This South American country has made this sweet crop one of the main drivers of its economy. The Sugar Giant Brazil holds the title of the world’s largest sugarcane producer, with vast tracts […]

United States is the main buyer of Tequila so far in 2023

Tequila, Mexico‘s iconic product, has transcended borders to become a globally recognized emblem. Its presence in the international market is notorious, and through the import and export information portal, we can draw a detailed profile of its commercial trajectory. In this article, we will explore the most recent trends and factors that have influenced […]

Datasur Promotes Entrepreneurs and Businessmen at the Main Food Fair in Chile

Once again, Datasur has marked its presence in one of the most important events in Chile, Food&Service: the renowned fair that brings together giants of the food industry in the same space. This event brings together producers, suppliers, distributors and companies related to the sector, providing an invaluable opportunity to establish connections with existing customers, […]

Exploring the World’s Top Imported Health Care Products

In an increasingly interconnected world, healthcare imports play a crucial role in the provision of medical care and services globally. From state-of-the-art diagnostic equipment to essential medical supplies, these products are vital to maintaining and improving the health of communities around the world. At, on International Heart Day, we will examine the main health […]

The Outdoor Market in Argentina: The Main Imported Articles

Argentina is a country of breathtaking natural beauty, and its people have a deep love for the outdoors. The country’s geographic diversity provides endless opportunities for sports and activities such as hiking, biking, mountaineering, fishing, camping and more. This passion has driven a steadily growing outdoor market. The Main Imported Items in the Outdoor Market […]

Peruvian Pisco: Shining in the Global Market with a 110% Increase in Exports

Peruvian Pisco continues its unstoppable rise in the international market during 2023, registering an impressive total of US$5,805,182.63 in exports. In this article, will explore the highlighted destinations and analyze the remarkable growth of this iconic liquor since 2009. Predominant Peruvian Pisco Export Destinations The United States leads as the main buyer of this […]

Let’s celebrate Chile’s Independence Day with Successful Exports!

Today we celebrate Chile’s Independence Day, and the world of Chilean exports also has reasons to celebrate. Chile not only prides itself on its cultural traditions, but also on its steady growth in exports. With, we will explore how Chile is taking advantage of these festivities to boost its exports and consolidate its position […]